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Scribble Spot - Emotional Learning Program

Cate Walker

Scribble Spot

We would like to introduce the social emotional learning platform we use at Legacies Academy to teach about feelings and emotional expression.

Some of you may have heard of the Scribble Spot book series. Author, Diane Alber, has thought of it all. She has written books for many social emotional situations. Diane has created and authored this thoughtful resource to help teach children about their feelings and emotions.

Perhaps some of you have even heard the Scribble Spot Song. This song is a great way to introduce yourselves to the Scribble Spot.

If you are already familiar with the Scribble Spot, maybe you would like to take a deeper look at this table, where all of the scribble spot books are categorized based on the type of social emotional support that is needed at that moment.

For example, if a child is too shy to ask to join in a game with their friends, they might need to learn about how to manage their emotions and could benefit from listening to "A Little Spot of Anxiety". Or it is possible that the child’s need to become aware of their worth is driving the behaviour. In this case, the child could benefit from reading “A Little Spot of Confidence”.

- Additional Scribble Spot Resources -

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